New and Improved - Becoming a Registered Yoga School 2025
The first time I wrote about becoming a registered yoga school with Yoga Alliance, it was me writing the content and creating the curriculum, but I was not in charge of filling out the online application with Yoga Alliance. I am now going through the process of becoming my own registered yoga school and as a result, I have new information on how the process works and how I can make the process easier for you in your journey towards becoming a registered yoga school.
The first step is to ensure that your total number of hours is 200. The Yoga Alliance outline omits 15 hours from its calculations (as you can see below from its guidelines). I assume they're leaving this block of time for you to put toward your Elective subject? I can't say for sure.
Yoga Alliance Core Curriculum Competencies
- Asana: Historical context
- Asana: Poses specific to RYS's lineage—must include sukhasana and savasana
- Asana: Complete sequencing (asana, pranayama, meditation) to achieve particular effect safely
- Asana: Shared anatomical and alignment principles plus contraindications
- Pranayama & Subtle Body: Historical Context
- Pranayama & Subtle Body: Effects of pranayama on anatomy and subtle body
- Pranayama & Subtle Body: Complete sequencing of pranayama safely, including alternatives and adaptations
- Pranayama & Subtle Body: Ujjayi, Nadi Shodhana, Kapalabhati, among others
- Pranayama & Subtle Body: Koshas, kleshas, chakras, nadis and prana vayus
- Meditation: Key Meditation terms
- Meditation: Meditation methods by lineage
- Meditation: Ability to practice school's chosen meditation practice
- Meditation: Chanting, mantras, and mudras
- Elective
ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY – 30 HOURS (20 of which can be online)
- Anatomy: Major Bones
- Anatomy: Types of Joints
- Anatomy: Major muscles involved in asana
- Anatomy: Types of contraction
- Physiology: Nervous system, incl. ‘fight, flight, freeze’ stress response, vagal theory, overall mind-body connection
- Physiology: Cardiovascular/circulatory, endocrine, digestive systems as they relate to yoga practice
- Physiology: Respiratory system, incl. muscles that affect breathing, involuntary vs voluntary breath, how air enters and leaves body
- Biomechanics: Types of joint movement
- Biomechanics: Joint stabilization
- Biomechanics: Safe movement as it pertains to balancing, stretching, awareness, and physical limitations
- Biomechanics: Contraindications, misalignment, adaptations
- Elective
YOGA HUMANITIES – 30 HOURS (20 of which can be online)
- History: Term 'yoga'
- History: School's lineage, style and methodology
- History: Dates and key ideas such as the Vedas, Vedanta, Hatha, Colonial, Modern
- Philosophy: Definition of yoga and key terms
- Philosophy: Relationship between asana, pranayama, meditation per school’s approach
- Philosophy: Familiarity w/ major yogic texts (i.e., Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Hatha Yoga Pradipika)
- Philosophy: Self-reflection on how philosophy relates to practice
- Ethics: Awareness of Yoga Sutras or similar yogic ethical precepts
- Ethics: Relationship to Yoga Alliance’s Ethical Commitment
- Ethics: Comprehension of and responsibility to increase equity in yoga
- Ethics: Accountability measures
- Ethics: Self-reflection on how yoga ethics relate to practice and teaching
- Elective
- Professional Essentials
- Teaching Methodology: Sequencing
- Teaching Methodology: Pace
- Teaching Methodology: Environment
- Teaching Methodology: Cueing (verbal, visual, physical)
- Teaching Methodology: Class management
- Professional Development: Yoga-related professional organizations, including the Yoga Alliance Credentialing Process
- Professional Development: Ethical Commitment, including Scope of Practice, Code of Conduct, and Equity Position Statement
- Professional Development: Lifetime of learning and continuing education
- Professional Development: General professionalism, including timeliness, consistency, cleanliness
- Professional Development: Marketing and promotion
- Professional Development: Liability insurance, waivers, invoicing
- Practicum (Practice Teaching): Knowledge, skills, experience across 12 key competencies
- Practicum (Practice Teaching): Mentorship component, incl. apprenticeship, feedback
- Elective
Then I took the content Yoga Alliance indicates can be done online (remotely) and used that block of time to create a video conferencing schedule during the week, totaling 40 hours over the course of the YTT, and then worked out the Saturday & Sunday start/end times to get to a total of 200 hours of training.
For the coursework to be done online via video conferencing, Yoga Alliance requires this content to be led by the trainer. This means giving your students a YouTube video playlist does not meet this requirement. I plan to use the time as an open discussion to cover these topics:
ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY – 20 hours online
- Physiology: Nervous system, incl. ‘fight, flight, freeze’ stress response, vagal theory, overall mind-body connection
- Physiology: Cardiovascular/circulatory, endocrine, digestive systems as they relate to yoga practice
- Physiology: Respiratory system, incl. muscles that affect breathing, involuntary vs voluntary breath, how air enters and leaves body
- Biomechanics: Types of joint movement
- Biomechanics: Joint stabilization
- Biomechanics: Safe movement as it pertains to balancing, stretching, awareness, and physical limitations
- Biomechanics: Contraindications, misalignment, adaptations
YOGA HUMANITIES – 20 hours online
- History: Term 'yoga'
- History: School's lineage, style and methodology
- History: Dates and key ideas such as the Vedas, Vedanta, Hatha, Colonial, Modern
- Philosophy: Definition of yoga and key terms
- Philosophy: Relationship between asana, pranayama, meditation per school’s approach
- Philosophy: Familiarity w/ major yogic texts (i.e., Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Hatha Yoga Pradipika)
- Philosophy: Self-reflection on how philosophy relates to practice
We will cover the following poses by practicing the shape of the poses, discussing the anatomical alignment of the poses and training the students on how to offer hands-on assists during the yoga practice. List of poses: Child’s Pose, Ragdoll, Extended Mountain, Forward fold, Half Lift, High Plank, Low Plank, Upward Facing Dog, Downward Facing Dog, Chair, Warrior 1, Flip Dog/Side Plank, Eagle, Standing Leg Raise, Airplane, Standing Splits, Half moon, Dancer, Tree, Triangle, Side Facing Wide Leg Forward Fold, Goddess Squat, Skandasana, Tripod Headstand, Pyramid, Twisting Triangle, Revolved Half Moon, Locust, Floor Bow, Half Bow, Upward Facing Dog, Camel, Half Camel, Bridge, Wheel, Reclined Butterfly, Happy Baby, Scissor Legs, 60/30 Lift, Abdominal Twists, Boat, Half Pigeon, Lizard, King Pigeon, Mermaid, Double Pigeon, Easy Seat, Seated Figure Four, Frog, Half Frog, Seated Single Leg Extension, Seated Forward Fold, Reverse Table Top, Reverse Plank, Fish, Waterfall, Headstand, Shoulder Stand, Plow, Ear Pinning Pose, Supine Twist, Reclined Butterfly, Savasana.
Anti-Harassment Policy.pdf
Anti Retaliation Policy.pdf
Attendance Policy.pdf
Code of Conduct.pdf
Grievance Policy.pdf
Required Reading List YTT.pdf
Tuition and Refunds.pdf
Yoga Alliance Letter of Intent.pdf
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