The best headband for hot yoga

3:22 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

This is not a paid advertisement, I just love Manda Bees headbands. If you're like me, the wispy hairs that don't stay put when you're sweating your face off in a hot yoga class drive you absolutely crazy when you're trying to keep your drishti on point and stay cool in the face of a long Warrior Two hold.

I've purchased a few different colors/styles of Manda bees headbands and they're all super cute, stay put and do not pull your hair or give you a headache. They're 100% what they say. No rolling up, no slipping, no pulling and no headaches. It just stays put!

If you've been using those strips of elastic to hold your hair wisps back - switch up your hair management to something that supports a small business entrepreneur and lets you choose from basically a thousand colors and patterns. Everything from basic antimicrobial black to rainbow mermaid scales and they even make extra wide headbands if that's your jam.