My Journey as a Yoga Teacher

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Each of these links represents a major milestone in my progress towards becoming a yoga teacher, learning hands-on assisting, attending Baptiste Programs, receiving constructive feedback, putting feedback into action and becoming a Certified Baptiste Yoga Teacher. I'm now tracking my progress towards Tier Two Baptiste Certification in the upcoming year(s).

Introspection, Basic Truths and Transformation
Teaching Yoga is Unlike Anything I've Ever Done
The More You Sequence a Class, the Less You Rely on Pictograms (2016)

Journey Into Power Sequence - All Poses and Transitions
Baptiste Power Yoga Methodology
Baptiste Power Yoga - True North Alignment
Baptiste Power Yoga - Eight Universal Principles of Stepping Up to the Edge

Level One Program - Through the Eye of the Storm and Back Again
My teaching changed drastically after attending Level One Program! No more pictograms, no more wondering if the sequence was long enough. I began teaching from Journey Into Power off the mat.
Art of Assisting
What is Baptiste Yoga and Why Should I Care?
Level Two Program - Packing, Prepping
Level Two Program - One OF Many
Baptiste Certification Process Under Way
Baptiste Tier 1 Certification Feedback Process (as of 2017)
The Challenge to Reach Beyond Your Default Language
Certification Unlocked!

Apprenticing a Baptiste Program (Level One - Menla 2018)
Apprenticeship Complete!
Thoughts from Behind the Tech Desk
Level Three Program - Beyond Borders
Level Three Program - From ME to WE

- pursuing Tier Two Certification - 


Baptiste Yoga Tier 2 Certification - Dedication and Achievement 
